Author: Henry Morris
My personal review of the Gardepro E8 Trail Camera
This camera was first given to me at Christmas time, and I have to say that I loved it. Although it was a bit fiddly to set up, it gave me amazing results and quality of video, to the point where I decided to buy another myself. They retail for around £120 – £160 on… Read more
What Happens to your General Waste?
In June 2010, West Sussex County Council and Biffa signed a 25-year waste contract. This partnership was designed to help treat the county’s ‘Black Bag’ waste, and ultimately reduce the volume sent to landfill. Mechanical Biological treatment is one of the many ways we can treat waste, and in West Sussex this is carried out… Read more
Inside Biffa’s £15M Recycling Facility
If you’re reading this, hopefully you currently recycle as much as you can. However, have you ever thought about where it actually goes? The answer’s here: a Materials Recycling Facility, or MRF (pronounced ‘murf’). We were invited to take a look inside Biffa’s £15M state-of-the-art facility in Ford, which is run by them on behalf… Read more
How to make seed Bombs!
In recent years wildflower and meadow populations have shrunk dramatically, which has a harmful effect on pollinators, bugs plants, or anything else that lives among the flowers. Luckily, there’s a way for you to help that will be massively effective, whilst fun to make and use: seed bombs! Let’s get into it… What you’ll need… Read more
How To Help Hedgehogs This Autumn!
Autumn is here, and so comes the hedgehog pre-hibernation feast! this is the point where hedgehogs, like other animals will fatten up to prepare for the big Winter deep sleep! however, this is also the time of year when the most help is needed, so in this article we’ll cover how you can help, what… Read more