Category: Waste Management

  • What Happens to your General Waste?

    What Happens to your General Waste?

    In June 2010, West Sussex County Council and Biffa signed a 25-year waste contract. This partnership was designed to help treat the county’s ‘Black Bag’ waste, and ultimately reduce the volume sent to landfill. Mechanical Biological treatment is one of the many ways we can treat waste, and in West Sussex this is carried out… Read more

  • Inside Biffa’s £15M Recycling Facility

    Inside Biffa’s £15M Recycling Facility
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    If you’re reading this, hopefully you currently recycle as much as you can. However, have you ever thought about where it actually goes? The answer’s here: a Materials Recycling Facility, or MRF (pronounced ‘murf’). We were invited to take a look inside Biffa’s £15M state-of-the-art facility in Ford, which is run by them on behalf… Read more