How To Help Hedgehogs This Autumn!

An image of a hedgehogs with a natural background

Autumn is here, and so comes the hedgehog pre-hibernation feast! this is the point where hedgehogs, like other animals will fatten up to prepare for the big Winter deep sleep! however, this is also the time of year when the most help is needed, so in this article we’ll cover how you can help, what to encourage, and some interesting facts along the way! Let’s get into it.

Feeding hedgehogs

In the natural word, hedgehogs will eat a variety of small invertebrates such as insects (particuarly beetles), worms, and caterpillars. Some will even eat carrion such as small roadkill, frogs, small rodents and birds eggs! However, unfortunately they are unlikely to eat slugs and/or snails! Hedgehogs have smal mouths, therefore making slugs and snails hard to eat. Moreover, these molluscs often carry the parasitic worm lungworm, which affects the lungs and can make hedgehogs very ill, sometimes even killing them. Therefore, it’s better to keep hedgehogs on their usual balanced diet to avoid any probems.

Another frequently asked question is if hedgehogs eat fruit. Unfortunately, the answer is no once again. They lack a cecum, the part of the body which allows animals to digest plant material. Therefore, fruit and vegetables will pass through their systems without providing nutrition, so are useless to them. This can also give hedgehogs an upset tummy, which causes dehydration.

What should I feed hedgehogs?

Specialised hedgehog biscuits are the best option, however dog and cat biscuits as well as mealworms will also be welcome. Please be aware that fish-based products are harmful, so please avoid these when making your choice. We recommend Spikes hedgehog food as a source of specialised food for them. However, the best thing you can do is to make their natural prey come to your garden! You can do this by providing areas such as open compost heaps, log and leaf piles and native shrubs.

Hedgehogs will also need a supply of fresh water. They’ll naturally drink from shallow puddles as well as ponds with sloping sides. If a bird bath is left out, they will also drink from this. We recommend leaving out a shallow dish of water near any food sources. Please also note that, despite many myths, milk can also upset a hedgehog’s stomach and is not recommended under any circumstances.

Creating a Hedgehog Highway

If you want hedgehogs to access any of the resources in your garden, you’ll first need to provide access, also known as a Hedgehog highway! First, you need permission from your neighbours, as you’ll be cutting a small hole in your fence. Once you’ve got permission, we can start! Firstly, you’ll need to cut a hole in your fence, about 13x13cm in size (the average size of an adult hedgehog). Next you may want to purchase a Hedgehog Highway sign to avoid anyone confused about the purpose intending to obstruct access.

Preparing For Hibernation

As well as stocking up on food, hedgehogs need to find/make and prepare a shelter for hibernation. There are a few ways to help out with this, some easier than others. For now we’re going to start with one of the easier ways: nesting material. Hedgehogs need to prepare for the big sleep, so we recommend leaving out some materials. A good way to start is by raking up a pile of leaves. Hedgehogs can use this for insulation, as well as being able to hibernate in the pile itself! You can also leave out other materials such as straw, bracken, dry grass, twigs and any other natural materials!